Saturday, February 15, 2020

Assigment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assigment - Assignment Example Personality is made up of Id, Ego and Super Ego. For some humans like Tom the Id takes over the Ego and especially Self Ego (voice of conscious that focuses on how we have to behave). Id is the energy constantly striving to satisfy the basic driver i.e. the principle of pleasure. This Principle drives a human being to fulfill our desires, even if it is by selfish means. (Atkinson, 1987) C. It is the interaction one has with his or her environment. Peeping Tom may have not received the right environment according to Carl Rogers and never realized his full potential. He was involved in wrong doings from his childhood, and the reason for these wrong doings can be associated with his friends and peers. He is just doing what he enjoys doing without considering the feelings of others.(Atkinson, 1987) 2.) A. In doing an experiment to test the effects of caffeine on a 20 word list, I would set up a control group and an experimental group. The control group will not be treated with caffeine a nd the experimental group will be given caffeine. The independent variable will be the amount of caffeine given and the dependent variable will be the memory of people after consuming caffeine. B. Two things that could act as extraneous variables might be eating something else in between and the environmental conditions. A very cool or a very hot environment can also affect any person’s behavior. C. ... E. Experimental Bias could be operating in this instance if some people are given little amounts of caffeine as compared to other in the experimental group. F. If results are statistically significant, it means caffeine have a good impact on the learning of people. It enhances their memory and learning power. (Plotnik, 2002) 3.) A. Students’ sleepiness or dizziness rate- When they consume more caffeine they don’t sleep in class and stay awake throughout the lecture. They tend to be more vigilant during classroom and hence productivity is enhanced. Active- They tend to be more active during classroom and class room participation is enhanced. Students participate more in class activities. (Hilgard, 1967) B. Consuming caffeine makes them stay awake late at night completing assignments due to which they are sluggish during university hours. Even though they can consume more caffeine, their health is negatively affected. Headaches are common in university students. Also due to caffeine consumption, they do stay awake but addiction causes them to go to sleep whenever its affect is perished. (Hilgard, 1967) 4.) There are processes involved in memory as levels of processing theory say. According to this theory, a person has to pass through a series of processes to actually recall a memory and permanently recall it. It then becomes a well recalled memory eventually. However, according to information processing theory, the mind of human being is like a computer. It can recall any memory it wants to at any time and can permanently recall it, it then becomes a well recalled memory that cannot be forgotten. (Hilgard, 1967) 5.) A. Classical conditioning is the basic form of

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Evolution and Natural Selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evolution and Natural Selection - Essay Example However in the mid-nineteenth century, scientist like Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace sought to explain this process of adaptation and change as a natural one without attributing it to the influence of higher beings and spiritual powers. Fossil records are perhaps the best natural evidence of evolution. While the fossils of simpler organism are found among older rocks, the newer ones have fossils of more complex organisms.. (GCSE, BBC) Evolution is of 2 main types: Microevolution and macroevolution. Microevolution emphasises on genetic change from one generation to another while macroevolution deals with the process of gradual change in the physical form of living creatures. (The Process of Speciation, Global Change Program, University of Michigan) This paper will focus on the theory of evolution put forth by Charles Darwin. Key aspects of evolution like the process of Natural Selection and Variation will be discussed. Also, with reference to reference to 'Darwin's finches', the paper will describe how geographical isolation has caused new species to evolve from a common ancestor Darwin was influenced by observations made during his voyage as naturalist on the survey ship Beagle. After studying several plant and animal species, Charles Darwin published some of his key observations and ideas in his book, "The Origin of Species." His theory of evolution comprises 4 parts: 1. As fossils records shows the world is constantly changing. Several organisms have become extinct and others have changed over time are are rather different from their previously existing forms. 2. All organisms share a common ancestor and hence certain common features. 3. The process of change is a gradual one 4. The mechanism of evolutionary change is natural selection. (Evolution and Natural Selection, Global Change, University of Michigan) Natural Selection: The concept of Natural Selection according to Darwin is the mechanism for evolutionary change. He discussed Natural Selection in the context of an organism 'struggle for existence'. Every organism Darwin believed tended to produce far more offspring than can actually survive. Limited resources often caused several of these to perish. As a result, there was intense competition between these organisms and only some survive to live and reproduce further. Darwin also believed that the population within a species remained more or less constant over time. However these species do show a wide variation in features and these variations are passed on from one generation to another. (Ridley, 2003). The following chart describes the process of Natural selection. Source: Evolution and Natural Selection, Global Change, University of Michigan For natural selection to occur, reproduction is a very important aspect. Offspring's inherit certain important features from their parents, which help them in the struggle for existence. Besides there are 2 essential requirement, namely a. heritable variation of some trait like the beak or skin colour The differences in these traits could b a result of environmental factors and could often be significant for survival in that environment. differential survival and reproduction of that trait is essential to ensure that (Evolution and Na